Marital Property Division Laws in TX

Fighting for the Best Outcome in Your Divorce

As Texas is a community property state, categorizing property as “separate” or “community” can be grounds for contention between divorcing couples. Community property is jointly owned by both spouses, and will be divided more or less equally in a divorce.

If you or your spouse are filing for divorce, you need representation by an experienced lawyer who will fight with your best interests in mind to make sure that you are getting what you rightfully deserve in property division.

At Slate & Associates, Attorneys at Law in Pearland, TX, we have over 100 years combined experience in divorce and family law. We will fight to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.

Traits of our firm include:

  • We’ve consistently won cases against the large, downtown law firms
  • We are proud of our ability to represent clients with a high level of skill
  • We offer lower costs than other firms

Property Division Lawyers in Pearland: Knowledgeable Assistance

Separate property is the property you owned before your marriage, and still have. Any gift you acquire from anyone, or money or property you inherit during the marriage, is separate property as well. Also, any personal injury settlement or verdict you receive for bodily injury or pain and suffering is your separate property. Separate property can be transformed. For example, if you use money you inherited to purchase property, the property purchased is your separate property.

Everything else accumulated from the date of your marriage to the date of your divorce is community property, and divisible in a divorce. The court will divide community in a “just and right manner,” which may not be an equal split. Having a seasoned attorney to represent you in mediation will go a long way toward ensuring that your divorce is handled in a quick and painless manner.

Contact our firm for knowledgeable assistance with all your divorce needs.v